Monday, March 2, 2009


So march has just began and I am on spring break all this week. I have a few goals for march that I hope to meet. Mostly volume goals. Mixed with results goals. First an update on what I have been up to.

The first couple months of school have gone fairly well. I've attended most of my classes and gotten decent grades. Far better than last semester.

I formed an LLC about 2 months ago. It's purpose is liability protection in real estate investing. I am yet to use it in a real estate deal. But just having it established has caused me to be a lot more proactive about learning real estate and searching for deals. My main real estate goals are to close a lease option deal by my 19th birthday. I won't go into as much detail about this now as I will when something starts coming together. Basically I think if I want to have this done I need more advertising out by the middle-end of March. As of right now I have business cards and a website.

Real estate is a big interest of mine. It's really my main career goal. I think I have come a long ways in learning about it over the past year and hope to go a long ways in executing deals in the next.

On to March's goals. They involve church, poker, health, money, girls, mind.

Goal #1. Attend church at least 2 times.

Goal #2. Play 800 HUsngs. Roughly 26 per day.

Goal #3. Lose > 6 lbs. I want to wake up at <>

Goal #4. Win $3000. Save $500, Spend $500, Tithe $300.

Goal #5. Have sex with a girl

Goal #6. Continue to develop my sound mind. My mental integrity has, over the past year, caused me to excel a lot where others wouldn't. I find myself getting frustrated sometimes at seeing other people get so frustrated about things. I do such a good job of brushing off huge losses at poker or other big negatives in life and it really causes me to have more success. I also do a good job of stimulating myself mentally through reading, music, and talking. So I want to read a book this month, Listen to new music this month, and talk with people who are already where I want to be.

Goal #7. Do 1 thing each day related to Real Estate investing.


Sngs played this month. 7
Sngs left to be played. 793
Money made this month. $154.50
Money left to be made. $2845.50

Sharkscope at set point. $2,731.50 Profit, 2175 games played

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